About Top End Peace Alliance

The Top End Peace Alliance (TEPA) is an organisation based in the Northern Territory of Australia that was formed in February 2022. It aims to counter the increasing military presence of US-led troops in the region. The organisation is concerned about the impact of US-led military exercises and operations on local communities, the environment, and Australian sovereignty. The key points highlighted by TEPA include:

TEPA asserts that the Northern Territory, and Australia in general, is becoming a playground for US-led military forces to conduct war games. They claim that Australian Defence Force bases are supporting joint initiatives with the US Defence Force, which they believe disregards local communities and the environment.

The alliance criticises the use of public funds for military exercises against perceived enemies instead of investing in environmental and human health and well-being. They argue that billions of dollars are being spent on reinforcing negative military games rather than protecting the interests of the people.

TEPA accuses the Albanese Labor government of ceding Australian sovereignty to the USA by supporting increased militarisation in the Top End. They express concern about the government’s alignment with the USA in potential conflicts, particularly regarding preparations for war against China.

The organisation argues that the US/Australia preparations for war against China put the entire population of the Top End at risk as collateral damage, serving what they describe as US hegemonic interests.

TEPA draws parallels between the selective, economically costly, and disrespectful consultation process during Australia’s colonisation in 1788 and the current consultation process regarding military activities. They advocate for a peaceful, just, and ecologically respectful Australia and oppose foreign military bases impacting national and local interests.

TEPA states that it is organising an alliance of indigenous groups, community groups, faith-based groups, unions, and concerned individuals to prepare for peace instead of war.